Welcome to Kezook Limited

Providing professional services in the heart of England since 2003.


It has come to our attention that Kezook Limited is being impersonated internationally.

Kezook Limited does not accept or solicit new clients and does not operate outside of England. Kezook Limited does not offer any kind of financial or debt recovery services. Kezook Limited is a limited company registered in England and Wales Company Number 04798819.

www.kezook.co.uk is the sole domain owned and run by Kezook Limited. Emails from Kezook Limited come from email addresses ending "@kezook.co.uk" only.

Kezook Limited is not associated with or responsible for any individuals or organisations falsely claiming to be or to represent Kezook Limited. Kezook Limited does not authorise any third parties to act on its behalf or to use the name "Kezook Limited".

If you suspect you are a victim of crime, report it immediately to the relevant authorities.

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black and yellow striped line